% !TEX TS-program = XeLaTeX \documentclass[]{article} % This was created by Chris Staecker % You are free to do whatever you want with it. % Uses the Intervogue font family, which I downloaded here: % https://www.fontshungry.com/intervogue-soft-font-family/ \usepackage{fontspec} \setmainfont{Intervogue Soft Black} \usepackage{nopageno,tikz,fullpage} \usepackage{qrcode} \usepackage[]{geometry} \usetikzlibrary{decorations.text} \begin{document} % radius of dial is 2.5in = 6.35cm \newcommand{\rad}{6.35} \newcommand{\fontscale}{.25*\rad} % distance from dial center to 0 mark on scale % 7.9cm \newcommand{\srad}{7.9} \[ \begin{tikzpicture}[rotate=-90, transform shape] % DIAL \draw[line width=\rad*.2] (0,0) circle (\rad); \draw (0,0) circle (.015*\rad); \foreach \t in {0,...,4} { \node[rotate=\t*360/5+90,scale=\fontscale] at (\t*360/5: 0.85*\rad) {\t}; } \foreach \t in {0,...,9} { \draw ({\t*360/(5*2)} : \rad) -- ({\t*360/(5*2)} : 0.9*\rad); } \foreach \t in {0,...,49} { \draw ({\t*7.2} : \rad) -- ({\t*7.2} : 0.95*\rad); } \foreach \t in {0,...,99} { \draw ({\t*3.6} : \rad) -- ({\t*3.6} : 0.965*\rad); } \foreach \t in {0,...,999} { \draw ({\t*.72}:\rad) -- ({\t*.72}:.9825*\rad); } \path [postaction={decorate,decoration={reverse path,text along path,text align=center,text={|\Large|ADISCO AREA MEASURER}}}] (90: 0.6*\rad) arc (90:270:0.6*\rad); \path [postaction={decorate,decoration={reverse path,text along path,text align=center,text={|\large|(Area Meter)}}}] (120: 0.5*\rad) arc (120:240:0.5*\rad); \node[scale=.5] at (-.32*\rad, 0) {\qrcode{http://cstaecker.fairfield.edu/~cstaecker/machines/adisco.html}}; \draw (0,0) -- (.8*\rad,0); \node[align=center,scale=.75] at (.4*\rad,0) {SQUARE\\INCHES}; \end{tikzpicture} \] \newpage \newgeometry{margin=0cm} \setmainfont{Intervogue Soft Regular} \vspace*{-0.5cm} \[ \begin{tikzpicture}[rotate=-60, transform shape] %ARM \fill (0,0) circle (.01*\rad); % outline \draw[line width=\rad*.15] (-.1*\rad,.2*\rad) to[] (30:1.2*\rad) to[out=0,in=180] (7:2*\rad) -- (2:4.5*\rad) to[bend left=90] (-2:4.5*\rad) -- (-7:2*\rad) to[out=180,in=0] (-30:1.2*\rad) -- (-.1*\rad,-.2*\rad) to[bend left=60] (-.1*\rad,.2*\rad); % indicator line \draw[color=red,thick] (1.05*\rad, 0) -- (.7*\rad, 0); % scale on arm % https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=solve+%28s%2Bx%29%5E2+-+s%5E2+%3D+5%2Fpi*n+for+x % 6.45 is to convert sq in to sq cm \foreach \t in {0,...,70} { \draw[shift=({{sqrt(5*\t*6.45/3.14 + \srad*\srad)},0})] (0,0) -- (0,.05*\rad); } \foreach \t in {0,5,...,70} { \draw[shift=({{sqrt(5*\t*6.45/3.14 + \srad*\srad)},0})] (0,0) -- (0,.07*\rad); \node[scale=.6*\fontscale] at ({{sqrt(5*\t*6.45/3.14 + \srad*\srad)},.1*\rad}) {\t}; } \foreach \t in {15,15.2,...,25} { \draw[shift=({{sqrt(5*\t*6.45/3.14 + \srad*\srad)},0})] (0,0) -- (0,.03*\rad); } \draw (\srad,0) -- ({sqrt(5*70*6.45/3.14 + \srad*\srad)},0); \end{tikzpicture} \] \end{document}