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% face BD to AC to EF to HG \draw [densely dashed] ({\Bx + \spacing[\i]*(\Dx-\Bx)}, {\By + \spacing[\i]*(\Dy-\By)}) -- ({\Ax + \spacing[\i]*(\Cx-\Ax)}, {\Ay + \spacing[\i]*(\Cy-\Ay)}) -- ({\Ex + \spacing[\i]*(\Fx-\Ex)}, {\Ey + \spacing[\i]*(\Fy-\Ey)}) -- ({\Hx + \spacing[\i]*(\Gx-\Hx)}, {\Hy + \spacing[\i]*(\Gy-\Hy)}); } \foreach \i in {1,...,12} { % B-D labels \node[rotate=80] at ({0*\labelpad + \Bx + \spacing[\i]*(\Dx-\Bx)}, {1*\labelpad + \By + \spacing[\i]*(\Dy-\By)}) {\tiny \i}; % H-G labels \node[rotate=105] at ({.5*\labelpad + \Hx + \spacing[\i]*(\Gx-\Hx)}, {-1*\labelpad + \Hy + \spacing[\i]*(\Gy-\Hy)}) {\tiny \i}; } % perspective along AE \def\spacing{{0,0.128,.246,.371,.496,.624,.746,.871,1}}; \foreach \i in {0,...,8} { %(AE)--(BH)--(DG) \draw ({\Ax + \spacing[\i]*(\Ex-\Ax)}, {\Ay + \spacing[\i]*(\Ey-\Ay)}) -- ({\Bx + \spacing[\i]*(\Hx-\Bx)}, {\By + \spacing[\i]*(\Hy-\By)}) -- ({\Dx + \spacing[\i]*(\Gx-\Dx)}, {\Dy + \spacing[\i]*(\Gy-\Dy)}); %(AE)--(CF)--(DG) \draw[densely dashed] ({\Ax + \spacing[\i]*(\Ex-\Ax)}, {\Ay + \spacing[\i]*(\Ey-\Ay)}) -- ({\Cx + \spacing[\i]*(\Fx-\Cx)}, {\Cy + \spacing[\i]*(\Fy-\Cy)}) -- ({\Dx + \spacing[\i]*(\Gx-\Dx)}, {\Dy + \spacing[\i]*(\Gy-\Dy)}); 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