Math 391: Senior Honors Seminar (Voting)

Spring 2016

General Information

Instructor: Chris Staecker (Personal Homepage)


Office: BNW 16

Office Hours: T 10:30-12:30, 1:30-2; W 10-1; F 10:30-12:30, 1:30-2 or by appointment

Textbooks: Mathematics of Social Choice by Börgers, and Basic Geometry of Voting by Saari

Class Meetings: TF: 2-3:20

Other Stuff

LaTeX help

For creating LaTeX documents while connected to the internet, I recommend Overleaf, which is free. This is your easiest option, if you don't mind having to be online all the time.

If you want, you can also download and install LaTeX on your computer (also free). On Windows, I recommend MikTeX. On Mac, I recommend TeXShop (you also need to download MacTeX). LaTeX is typically preinstalled on linux. There are options for iOS or Android, but I've never used them. Search online or ask the professor if you have any issues.